Berry Battle Pt.2

gRPC Prototype and Performance Benchmarks

Topics Covered

  • Using gRPC with Rust
  • Cargo Build Scripts
  • Tests
  • Performance benchmarking


Game Simulator Source…

AI Node Source…


Following the conception of the project the first problem I need to solve is communication between the server and AI nodes. I don’t think something with direct access is viable since few people would open their hardware up to the world for direct ssh connections. So I need a higher level web API that is proven to be safe, language agnostic, performant, and preferably modern. I looked at REST, and HTTP with JSON before settling on gRPC which appears to meet my criteria.

The next step is figuring out how it can be implemented with Rust in a way that will work with my high level goals. Once I get basic communications running I will run some simple performance benchmarks to confirm the approach is feasible.

Let’s Tackle the Problem

Defining the Protocol Buffer

I found several helpful examples for using gRPC with Rust and the general consensus seemed to be that the tonic crate was the way to go. The tonic repository has quite a few working examples that really helped me get started. I won’t go into tons of detail about gRPC specifically but will cover my journey from the tonic examples to my working prototype.

The first thing I wanted to do was establish some general data structures. To help protect against hacking or cheating I want the bytes coming in and out to be well defined and certainly not a binary blob. Tonic/gRPC handles this with protocol buffers that are defined in files with the .proto extension. My definitions can be spread logically across multiple files and then they are combined and compiled together in a pre-build process or what cargo calls a build script. Note that the build script doesn’t actually do the compiling, instead it initiates a build with protoc which then compiles the protocol buffer into a intermediary *.rs file.

The project setup looks something like this:

  ├── proto
  │     ├──
  │     └──
  ├── src
  │     ├──
  │     └──
  ├── Cargo.toml

The build script had to be modified from the example so that it builds all my .proto files. In it we can see that the build script defines the output directory to place the code-generated *.rs files before compiling the protocol definition files with tonic_build. I also prefix the file_descriptor_set_path with “bb_rpc_” which is the name of protocol definition package that I define shortly.

use std::{env, path::PathBuf};

fn main() {
    let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
            &["proto/data.proto", "proto/services.proto"],

Now I was able to start experimenting with my data structures. I split the protocol buffer definition into two files based on their purpose. One file would contain the data model and the other would contain the communication services.

For this prototype and benchmarking experiment I need the data to be representative of a simple but typical game object. It needed to define things like position, direction, enumerations for state, strings, and representations of time. It also needed to represent lists of data like a vector or an array. I ended up using the following as a starting point…

// data.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package bb_grpc;
enum UpdateStatus {
      PROCESSING = 0;
      FINISHED = 1;
enum UnitType {
      UNKNOWN = 0;
      MOBILE = 1;
      STATIC = 2;
message UnitDirectionVector {
      float x = 1;
      float y = 2;
message UnitPosition {
      float x = 1;
      float y = 2;
      uint32 layer = 3;
      UnitDirectionVector direction = 4;
message UnitState {
      uint32 id = 1;
      UnitType unit_type = 2;
      UnitPosition position = 3;
      string tag = 4;
message UpdateRpcRequest {
      UpdateStatus status = 1;
      uint32 update_id = 2;
      repeated UnitState units = 3;
      uint64 per_unit_proc_time_ns = 4;
message UpdateRpcResponse {
      UpdateStatus updated_status = 1;
      uint32 update_id = 2;
      repeated UnitState units = 3;
      uint64 per_unit_proc_time_ns = 4;
      uint64 single_pass_elapsed_time_us = 5;

The protocol buffer definition files are compiled into rust files with syntax you would expect. The package field acts as a crate name when referenced in the *.rs files. The message prefix will compile the item into a struct object which I use to interact with in the application. Lists of objects are created with the repeated prefix as shown in both UpdateRpcRequest and UpdateRpcResponse. Nesting is also intuitive as can be seen with the UnitDirectionVector nested within the UnitPosition which itself is nested in a UnitState object.

The servers and services are also easy to define. In this case I am using a single UpdateService service which tells the gRPC server to listen for a UpdateRpc event and reply with a UpdateRpcResponse which we will define in a handler.

// services.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package bb_grpc;
import "data.proto";
service UpdateService {
  rpc UpdateRpc (UpdateRpcRequest) returns (UpdateRpcResponse);

Handling the Update Event (Simulator - gRPC Client)

Both the simulator (gRPC client) and the AI node (gRPC server) share the same buffer protocol definition, build scripts, and general setup mentioned above. They differ in how they use the generated code since the simulator is requesting a service and the AI node is actually running the gRPC server.

The gRPC client code is relatively simple. I create a async function to perform the RPC and provide it with a UpdateRpcRequest as we defined in our .proto file. The client then tries to connect with the gRPC server and waits for a connection to be established. Once successful, the UpdateRpc event is triggered with our supplied data, current_state of type UpdateRpcRequest. When the UpdateRpc call is complete, either a UpdateRpcResponse object or an Error is returned.

// berry-battle-server/src/
async fn request_updates(
    current_state: UpdateRpcRequest,
) -> Result<UpdateRpcResponse, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut client = UpdateServiceClient::connect("http://[::1]:50051").await?;

    match client.update_rpc(current_state).await {
        Ok(response) => Ok(response.into_inner()),
        Err(e) => Err(Box::new(e)),

Packaging the data into the UpdateRpcRequest object just like instantiating any other struct in Rust and I will cover it a little later. That’s it for the client gRPC side.

Handling the Update Event (AI Node - gRPC Server)

The gRPC server takes a little more to setup but not much. We need to define a struct so that we can access our custom trait implementations like they were virtual functions. In this case I named it UpdateServiceTraitWrapper. The UpdateService defined with the service keyword in the .proto file determines the name of the virtual function, or trait, that I need to make an implementation for. This trait implementing struct can be named whatever you want as long as the implementation defined below it matches the service name in the *.proto file. The implementation of UpdateService holds the data handling/processing code. For code modularity I split those details into a simulate_game_update function which returns the processed UpdateRpcResponse which is then returned to the calling client through gRPC.

// berry-battler/src/
pub struct UpdateServiceTraitWrapper {}

impl UpdateService for UpdateServiceTraitWrapper {
    async fn update_rpc(
        mut request: Request<UpdateRpcRequest>,
    ) -> Result<Response<UpdateRpcResponse>, Status> {
        println!("Got a request from {:?}", request.remote_addr());

We then have to start the server itself in main. We let the variable update_rpc contain the default event for the UpdateServiceTraitWrapper which is simply our implementation of the UpdateService trait. I then pass that implementation to a server builder which creates the UpdateServiceServer, starts it, and leaves it listening for client gRPC calls.

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let addr = "[::1]:50051".parse().unwrap();

    println!("Server listening on {}", addr);

    let update_rpc = UpdateServiceTraitWrapper::default();


Data Handling

Preparing the data for transmission and interpreting the response is handled just like any normal Rust application. In this case the game simulation server (confusingly the gRPC client) prepares some simulated game data of different sizes and sends it to the AI node (the gRPC server). I will only show a portion of the source that demonstrates how the messages in the protocol definition translate into Rust structs that can be interacted with in the usual ways. Note that I moved these functions into tests since they are benchmarks and won’t be part of the main application. The request_update function is in the main code body.

// berry-battle-server/src/
mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn generate_sample_units(count: usize) -> Vec<UnitState> {
        let mut rng = thread_rng();

        let sample_unit = UnitState {
            id: rng.gen::<u32>(),
            unit_type: UnitType::Mobile as i32,
            position: Some(UnitPosition {
                x: rng.gen::<f32>(),
                y: rng.gen::<f32>(),
                layer: rng.gen::<u32>(),
                direction: Some(UnitDirectionVector {
                    x: rng.gen::<f32>(),
                    y: rng.gen::<f32>(),
            tag: "Sample".into(),
        vec![sample_unit.clone(); count]

    fn generate_update_state_request(
        unit_count: usize,
        processing_time_ns: u64,
    ) -> UpdateRpcRequest {
        let mut rng = thread_rng();
        UpdateRpcRequest {
            status: UpdateStatus::Processing as i32,
            update_id: rng.gen::<u32>(),
            units: generate_sample_units(unit_count),
            per_unit_proc_time_ns: processing_time_ns,

The AI node processes each “unit” like it would in a real game by modifying all the fields to random values and packaging them in a struct. I also have some timers in place to measure the elapsed time for data processing with some build in overhead, represented by a sleep timer, to simulate a more robust processing loop. This performance information is added to the the response data so it can be logged by the game simulation server. It is very similar to the code above and not much value to the discussion on gRPC.

I will note that in order to write tests that call async functions like request_update they will need to be adorned with the #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] attribute.


Only portions of the code relating specifically to gRPC were detailed here but the entire project can be cloned, built, and executed for experimentation. The AI Node The Simulation Server

By default, the source is configured to have both the AI node and the simulation server running on the same machine with a localhost connection. To run the code on separate machines, change “[::1]” to an IP address or host name.

The AI node should be started first with cargo run in either release or debug configurations.

Running the tests on the server can be done with cargo test --release -- --nocapture since the benchmarking code is wrapped in a test.

The output should look like this:

Connecting to gRPC server
To simulate unit processing e.g. running A* etc on each unit
Apply constant processing time of 100000ns per unit

 Unit Count | Processing Time (us) | Latency (us) |
          0 |                    0 |         4303 |
         10 |                 1064 |         6020 |
         20 |                 2062 |         5174 |
         30 |                 3064 |         7636 |
         40 |                 4065 |         7991 |
         50 |                 5067 |         9615 |
         60 |                 6070 |        10414 |
         70 |                 7070 |        11162 |
         80 |                 8073 |        12808 |
         90 |                 9076 |        13594 |
        100 |                10076 |        14536 |
        110 |                11078 |        14693 |
        120 |                12076 |        15957 |
        130 |                13081 |        17615 |
        140 |                14080 |        18390 |
        150 |                15082 |        19572 |
        160 |                16084 |        20517 |
        170 |                17108 |        21769 |
        180 |                18091 |        22967 |
        190 |                19090 |        23434 |
        200 |                20091 |        24743 |
test tests::test_node_performance ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.66s

Additional Resources